Sunday, 22 May 2011

Eyes down for a jumble sale

While checking out the local paper on Friday I found two adverts for jumble sales! Those of you lovelies that have been following for a while know that jumble sales in my area are as rare as hens teeth so what a blinder to find two in one day.

So it was planned with military precision for hubby to drop me off at the first one just before 11am, I'd commando roll out of the car and get to the front queue without having to park the car. The second was at 2pm so we had time to go home, unpack the goods, have lunch and then head out for the next (you can see this was all for my pleasure and hubby went with it for a quiet life).

My plan was spot on and I managed to get some goodies at both jumble sales and added to the boot sale bounty today I've done quite well this weekend.

So here's my jumble finds:

 Kitsch vintage floral place mats - 50p. The kingsize duvet cover they are pictured on - £1 (going to a new home as was asked to look out for one).

Vintage leather sewing machine bag/case - 50p!!  I've just ordered my sewing machine so mucho pleased to have found this!

 Huge vintage floral flat sheet - 50p.

 Old sewing basket - 50p. I like the blue and pink basket but not as keen on the design so may get crafty on it.

Deco styled 50s milk jug and sugar bowl made by Picqout wear - 50p each. These sell really well on ebay, also saw some on bargain hunt (oh the joys of daytime tv!).

 Bird Feeder - 50p (Pictured in my plum tree).

Retro Winfield thermos - 50p

 Vintage souvenir table cloth - 30p

Floral Victoria & Trentham potteries ltd bowls, 6 for £1.

 Vintage tea towels.  After seeing all the crafty things to do with tea towels that Kylie has blogged about I couldn't resist buying these. They were 3 for £1. My favourite being this one:

Vintage scarves 20p each.

 Check throw which I'm going to turn into a picnic blanket once sewing machine arrives!

The next two were from the 'dress rail'. They had pulled out the better dresses in the jumble to put on a rail to charge more for! These were the only two vintage dresses at the jumble sales:

 This is an early 60s dress. The lady who took the money was actually the original owner of this dress. She  bought it in 1960 to wear to a dinner with her husband, and she only wore it once and has been hanging in her wardrobe ever since! Next is my favourite of the two:

Love the neckline and the shoulder design.  I bought both dresses for £3.50. Top dollar for the jumble sale!

I also came away with two bags full of clothes destined for ebay, would have be rude not to for 30p an item.  These jumble sales are just so addictive!

That's enough for me today. I've still got my boot sale goodies to share - you lucky lucky people ;o)

Hope you have all had a fabulous weekend!


  1. Rare? Pah! Maybe I'm not reading my local paper properly and the adverts for jumbles are all in code. Maybe 'Youth stabbed' to those in the know means "Get down to the village hall - vintage goodies for pennies". Hmm. Anyway - lucky you, as usual! The sewing machine cover is a great find - mine is gathering dust under the manky plastic thing it came with.

    Bet the dresses will look gorgeous on, and loving the scarves as well. Ebay still has free listing today so you'd better get snapping your bargain clothes!


  2. Ooh and you have a fake lady body thing for photographing dresses - cool!

  3. Wow Scarlett you really hit the Jackpot today! Love your goodies and I think my favorite are those floral bowls! Are the dresses for you? They are so pretty! Can't wait to see the boot sale items. Hugs, Linda

  4. Looks like you had fun - some fab finds there :)

    Can I ask - the tea-towel on the right - does that say Suffolk or Norfolk??

  5. Wonderful treasures, smiling at your description of you rolling out of the car commando style - love it !!

  6. I can imagine you taking out your gun, erm purse from your handbag, ha ha! You're amazingly funny...and lucky!!!

  7. Your plan worked hehe! Can't believe you are going to deface the sewing box, I think it's gorgeous! SO lovely to have the story behind the dress though - I guess she's not a fan of the 'six month rule'! xx

  8. Good Lord, you found the Motherload of treasures!
    so super jealous Momma!

  9. Those are some fabulously bargainous finds, Scarlett! I'm absolutely loving those dishes and placemats especially! :-) What a gorgeous dress too, it looks like it'll be a real keeper!

    Jem xXx

  10. Bloomin' Nora! What a haul! All from only two jumble sales. Think I's better start reading my local newspaper. Well done.

    Madison xxx

  11. Think that sewing basket may be a Holly Hobbie one - if so, they're quite collectable these days, might be worth checking out. Well done on some great finds, Scarlett. x

  12. Hello lovely lady, thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. I am so glad that I found your blog. Someone just like me! You and I need to go bargain hunting, you clearly have an eye for thrift and style. Well done on all your finds- it just fills me with joyx

  13. What great bargains! You have done really well, as usual! Lovely story behind the dress.

  14. Oh! Oh! Oh! is it christmas??? look at those goodies!! besides those gorgeous vintage dress everything else are under a pound!! love love love those placemats, duvet cover, sheet, basket and pottery bowls, the bird feeder is too cute!! im so in love with the check throw and the tea towels, im so jealous you're going to get a sewing machine soon!! woohoo!!! just love everything you bought on jumble sales! i wish i can persuade hubby to do what your hubby did, but he prefers a oh not so quiet life instead! hahaha xx Susan

  15. My sewing machine is looking on in jealousy that you have a leather bag for yours.
    That tea towel is oh so cute,i would hang it on the wall.
    Go you getting lucky with two jumble sales!

  16. Thanks for letting me know- had it been the other I'd have made you an offer!

    BTW I saw that Bargain Hunt - strangely addictive that show ;)

  17. I love all your find you lucky, lucky lady :o)

    But I have to say a absolutely adore that sewing basket!! It is gorgeous!

    looking forward toyour car boot finds :o)

    have a great week Scarlett. x

  18. Oh Scarlett, I'm virtually speechless. Love the placemats and bowls and tts and flask and sewing basket. Fabulous haul!

    My "humble jumble" wasn't up to much but I did manage to visit the 10 charity shops that I wanted to before being dragged, kicking and screaming, to the beach by my daughter!

  19. Wow all that from 2 jumbles. I could do with a case for my sewing machine. Looking forward to see what you make with yours when you get it. The first thing I do when the local papers come through is to check out the bootsale/jumble sale pages! Unfortunately there wasn't any round here today. :(

  20. It's years since iv,e seen a jumble sale, I thought they were a thing of the past. You have some great buys some proper vintage itemsxx

  21. Goodness me love, what a haul!? Particularly like the floral place mats and the vintage tea towels. I rather like the design on the sewing basket too (is it Holly Hobby-esque).

    Anyway, well done you!!!

    (Psst can I slip Lakota a fiver to persuade her you should be my swap buddy. ha! I bet everybody's thinking the same ;-)

  22. What a stash! I love those placemats as we used to have the same when I was a child and the Picquot Ware is an absolute bargain; I adore those rose bowls too.

  23. fantastic finds for grt prices you lucky lady ;) i also think the sewing basket looks like holly hobbie am very envious i adore holly hobbie stuff :)

  24. Wow Scarlett! What a great thrifty haul! I love it all. Great finds!

  25. Wow you got a lot of good stuff! What a great day.

  26. i can not believe the things you get and at such amazing prices! How do you do it? i am in awe, so much lovely bits. i really like the tea towels and think you coould make a really funky top when your new sewing machine arrives. xx

  27. Flippin hec - what a lot of treasure !
    Hardly any jumble sales here either
    Sue x

  28. Lucky you! What a great finds. The dresses are so beautifull. <3
    We went to 3 carbootsales today and I only bought a dvd. :(

  29. You can't got wrong with jumble sale prices and what goodies you found!

    I wish I could view your "commando roll"!

    Victoria xx

  30. Great finds AS USUAL scarlett!!

    the Joyful Thrifter

  31. Goodness, I don't know where to start, lucky you to find the jumbles in the first place, I went to one a couple of weeks ago and it was rubbish. And to find all that wonderful booty, well, it puts my week's finds to shame, must try harder! x

  32. The early bird certainly caught the worm(s). Adore the placemats and dresses. That Holly Hobbie sewing box cover takes me back, I had the curtains and bedding when I was about 6.

  33. Your husband is cool. (So is mine. They know which side their bread is buttered too.) ;)

    Wonderful haul you've got there - I wish I could wear dresses like that. I don't have enough pizzazz to rock them.

    So now, after seeing Kylie's patchwork quilt I am going to seriously hunt down vintage sheets, and seeing your stash of tea towels, it's something else to look out for. As if I don't have enough things on my list!

  34. Wow look at those bargains! I love those dresses and the place mats look really cool!
    Well done!

  35. I love that teatowl and the place mats (they'd match my garish coasters a treat). What fabulous finds, Scarlett! xxx

  36. Sounds like you've had a bumper week too Scarlett, must have been that commando roll lol that scared off the competition!!! Some fab teatowels there and the jug and sugar bowl are cool x

  37. I want a ‘fake lady body thing’ too! Didn’t you do well? Favourites are the bird feeder and the sewing box, but why will your sewing machine require a cover? It will be in use more than under cover. We went off to our local car boot today intent of wowing everyone in Blogland with our success, only to find that election fever here in Lanzarote meant that few people had bothered to turn up :( Got a few bits for 50 cents a throw though, including a Benetton and a Zara :) I took a picture of the camels too - no, really!

  38. Oh wow! What fabulous finds ~ can't wait to see your car booty as well! Love Brenda

  39. I absolutely L-O-V-E those tea towels Scarlett and am very jealous!

    You did rumble at the jumble didn't you!

    Your "new" dresses are gorgeous...I would've bought them too...the neckline on the second one...lovely.

    How exciting re sewing machine x

  40. You done good girl mkaes me want to go opping but am broke.Cant wait to see all your other bits.

  41. Wow great finds god you did so well ;-)) I adore those placements i have been searching for ages for some like that you lucky lady. And what a gorgeous vintage sheet so pretty and the sewing basket what a little gem ;-)) Enjoy all your lovely finds and have a lovely week, dee x

  42. Your favourite tea towel is my favourite as well. It's so cute!

    Sir Thrift-A-Lot

  43. Great finds all! I do love that duo of dresses! xx

  44. You lucky thing...Im so jealous! Love it all especially the thermos!

  45. Fabulous finds - especially the sewing machine cover, I could certainly do with one of those, and those lovely tea towels.

  46. Holy smokes, terrific treasures! I have to say, that old sewing box is my favorite. I just adore the picture on top of it. Good stuff.

  47. gorgeous little sewing box and the yellow rose bowls are divine. What a day you had.

  48. Love love love the tea towels. I can't stop buying them, either. They're my favorite thing to thrift.

  49. Great buys lady. I am in love with the sewing machine bag. I will be on the look out for one.

  50. LOVE that animal tea towel. I am suffering huge tea towel envy this week. Who'd have seen that one coming...?

  51. just wrote one post and its gone into the oblivion so if this is a duplicate - dont worry - was just saying how I loved your command comment - know that feeling and wow love your birdhouse!

  52. What a gorgeous haul!! Well done, love the tea towels. Some of my best finds have been at jumble sales, love them. Maybe I should go back...though probably all gone by now ;0) Thanks for your comment xx

  53. what a collection. Must go on the hunt for jumble sales. Love the selection of scarves, deco milk jug and pot and the leather sewing bag ! fabxx

  54. I'm sure I recognise those place mats - I reckon my Nana must have had some the same.

    Great find with the sewing machine bag - just think you'll be able to take it out and about with you! LOL, should the need take you!

    I really miss jumblies, haven't been for ages :0(

    Thanks for linking up x

  55. Great finds! I love everything, especially the tea towels. I can't wait to see your boot sale goodies!

  56. Wow didn't you do the sewing machine bag what a great find! So many lovely goodies x

  57. The cream and sugar set are definitely my fave! As a non-sewer, I have a question about the bag - do you use the bag to store it, or make it mobile?


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