Friday, 9 September 2011

Fancy that!

I took a quick visit to a one of my favourite charity shops today and was amused to find two elderly ladies tutting at a window display full of fancy dress costumes.  At first I thought that someone with a serious dress up fetish had donated their collection of outfits for the love of charity, until on further inspection I realised that this charity shop has set up a fancy dress hire service!

This service is going to up and running in a couple of weeks and judging by the window display there is going to be a lot of  adult novelty fairytale character costumes in very unforgiving fabrics up for hire.  I'm not sure I would want to be hiring any of these after they are "worn".

My over active imagination also went to work leaving me giggling like a fool all the way round the shop thinking about the elderly charity shop helpers getting in on the action.

I'm sure till seat hogger Vera would look fabulous as wonder woman:

And of course Roy from the back room would be first to put dibs on Superman:

Illustrations by Donald Soffritti

And lets not forget sweet little Mavis, the ultimate clothes rail tidier:

   I will report more on this charity shop phenomena when the rails of fancy dress for hire are up and ready for me to peruse, I hope to have found my "maturity" by then, either that or take a big scarf to wrap round my head to stifle my guffaws.

Have a fabulous weekend all.

Scarlett x


  1. hahaha this is so funny, I can't wait for updates. I know I wouldnt want a worn fancy dress costume but this is a recession?! xxxxx

  2. How bizzare! Be sure to report back. I don't think I would ever have the guts to go full on fancy dress. Though I have always fancied myself as Princess Leia, mainly so I could replica her hair xxx

  3. I found a chazza shop in Derbyshire that offered the same thing. I reckon it's a great idea, how many people hire a costume for a fancy dress? At least the charity benefits.
    Love the illustrations. Every charity shop has a Roy, a bit stinky and rather too keen on Sci Fi. x

  4. I bet you will need the scarf. *hehehe*
    I hate when I have to try and hide my laughter at the most awkward times. *lol*

  5. LMAO, I bet you will need a blanket,lol
    they are getting so greedy.
    funny illustrations.

  6. Ha there was an Ann Summers Police Woman costume at my local chazza shop recently - it was just in with the regular clothes though.

  7. Sounds like it could actually be quite a profitable idea for them if it turns out well :-) But the mental images I now have are hilarious!! Lol

    Jem xXx

  8. I love your descriptions of the charity shop workers Scarlett, they are spot on! There is a till seat hogger at the oppy where I volunteer, honestly she parks herself in front of the till (the only chair in the place!) while the rest of us (me ie.) dust, price, sweep, mop, get the picture. x

  9. I'm laughing at the idea of this! Toooo funny!

  10. This is sooo fun! too, too, funny! Hugs!

  11. This post is the best.....can you imagine crawling into a costume after another no thanks!

  12. hahaha - I can't wait to hear more about this.

  13. Photos we must have photos .

  14. Yucky, yucky! Will they be laundering the costumes after? Ew!

    Madison xxx

  15. sooooo funny! I'm crying with laughter....having watched Mary Portas when she went into a charity shop and turned it around, I'm very much so imagining the scene....very Victoria Wood esque...maybe this could be the new acorn antiques - 'Fancy Charity' starring Mavis, Roy, Vera, Doris the pensioner with a 'lady friend' and a penchant for wearing the policeman's get up, Arthur who prefers dressing as Dorothy and Leeeanne the young girl doing community service and chooses to dress up as MC Hammer....

    I'm sure the real life shenangians once its up and running will be just as hilarious!

  16. i'm imagining all those elderly people that i see often in charity shops doning those costumes! hillarious post, Scarlett! classic! x susan

  17. I so LOVE your imagination Scarlett :o)

    You make my day :o)

    Hope things are going well for you my lovely..

    Have a fantabby week,
    Donna xx

    P.s. LOVE your new desk too :o)

  18. Oh dear lord, whatever next?! I can imagine an old woman walking up to the counter with a floral powder blue cardigan off the rails and a naughty cat woman outfit in the hopes of reigniting the flame between her and her aged zimmer frame carrying husband LOL! xxx


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