Friday, 20 January 2012

Me Again!

Howdy all!  Sorry for my absence in blogland recently. I would love to report that it is due to me having been flown on an impromptu holiday in Hawaii after winning the euro millions but alas I would be lying. It is due to work being revoltingly hectic and having a little boy covered in chicken pox!  Hawaii is sounding amazing to me right now ;o)

So one of my aims this year is to get my craft on - making sure that I find a little time each week to try my hand at making things.

So this week I've made myself two little Kokeshi dolls:

Now I'm very pleased with the results but I must come clean,  this was actually a little craft kit bought for me at Christmas by someone being extremely cheeky...

....the Kokeshi doll kit is actually from the Early Learning Centre aimed at ages 3 plus!! So I've mastered the art of using wool instead of cotton and a huge plastic needle to thread said wool through a large pre cut holes.  I'm going up in the world of crafting *wink*.

A short and sweet post from me today, I will be doing the rounds catching up with you all.

Big Love


  1. Oh I thought you was arested after reading that book in last post lol god to see you back and chickenpox ewww been there.
    Love your little dolls very crafty.Wonder if they make elvis one? lol

  2. Sorry you have had a trying week! Chickenpox eugh! I know how bad that can get.

    Well early learning or not they are lovely bright and cheerful, you will be knocking out your own cool gear soon enough!

    MBB x

  3. Oh poor you Scarlett. My big girl had chicken pox around the same age as your little Fin and guess who got them next??? Yep. Me. I was soooo sick, and at the time remember thinking I'd rather go through labour again than sufffer the dreaded pox! Hope you don't get them. Hawaii sounds like a MUCH nicer alternative. Duh!
    I like your Kokeshi dolls, they're probably meant for "advanced" three year olds, not your ordinary every day variety!
    Miss you btw x

  4. I hope that your little boy will start to feel better and recover from the chicken pox soon..poor guy.
    I think the kokeshi dolls are just adorable! I would make them as does say 3 plus (I'd fall under the plus bit :P).

  5. I love the Kokeshi dolls and don't care how they came to life, because they look fab! I very much appreciate the craft. I hope your boy is better soon xxx

  6. Oh no - chicken pox! Poor kid - hope he's not suffering too much. It's a miserable illness to have.

    And loving your dolls - they are great.

  7. I would never have imagined that was from the Early Learning Center! They look so good!

    Hope your kid gets all better soon, I remember how miserable getting chicken pox is, nasty things!

  8. I think I'd need the ELC kit too crafts confuse me!

  9. Oh chicken pox is poxy, better now than later though, my boys have both had it already, I was 17 or 18 when I got it and it was vile. Was really ill. Cute dollies - my sister bought me some ladybird books of 'things to make and do'!

  10. Poor little one - I remember those days. That's one of those rites of childhood. I hope it wasn't too bad for him.

  11. Best to get it over with, but it is horrible. I do like that little doll kit. I suppose you could just trace round the pieces and make your own with variations.

  12. Hope your little fellow is feeling better soon, hated having chicken pox, hope he doesn't scratch too much!

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  13. Hi Scarlett - I love those dolls and thought the big stitching was cool naive styling, not made for 3-yr olds kit - how funny! Regardless, they are gorgeous!

    I hope when you win the EuroMillions we can all look forward to coming to Hawaii with you :)

    Poor little one - I hope he feels better soon. xxx

  14. Glad to have you back. I missed your posts.

  15. These have me squealing with delight, they are adorable! Sorry to her about your lil one, Hawaii wishes you could come hang out for a bit too. Take care love~

  16. Oh no, a child with chicken pox is not fun! Hoping all is better soon. Well it may be a kit but our little dolls are adorable and well done!!! Hawaii sounds pretty good to me all the time! Hugs, Linda

  17. Awww hope your little boy is better soon and as for the dolls heck who cares they were a kids kit they look fab :)

  18. aahhh sorry to hear about your little man hope he is feeling better now and those pesky spots are clearing up. Those dolls are super cute ;-)) dee xx

  19. I've missed you! I do hope the chicken pox will be gone ASAP! poor thing! but i do love the kokeshi dolls u made, Scarlett! i havent been doing alot of crafts lately either, kinda miss it too! a holiday in Hawaii sounds delicious too *I wish i won the lottery* sigh...

    xxx hugs for the little boy!

  20. oh no i hope the lil man got well again now? but hey hawaii sounds good haha take me with you. and those little geishas are adorable!

  21. I got chicken pox when I was 8 or so. My parents were out of town and my Brother and I were staying with family friends that had two kids. So in the end the poor lady taking care of us had 4 munchkins with chicken pox. *lol*

    I hope your little one gets through it quick.

    Your Kokeshi's are so cute!
    We have a small collection of wooden kokeshi's. Whenever I spot another in a thrift it comes home with me.

  22. Hope your little boy-chick is over those pox! The dolls are darling. I have a soft spot for Kokeshi dolls (was born in Japan and have the one our maid gave me all those years ago).

  23. Hi Scarlett, you make me laugh...the kokeshi dolls are so sweet. Don't worry, India still can't do the whole kiddy sewing kits by herself and she is nearly 8. I would love to see a 3 year old who could do one..

    Sorry to hear the little one has had chickenpox, I don't think I've had them yet...the itching would drive me insane....hope he is better now.

  24. At least he's getting the chicken pox out of the way early, it's much worse when you're older. Hope he's recovering.
    ELC crafts is about my level too! xxx

  25. I had them at 24 , they were horrid...I wouldn't let Phil see me we had just got engaged and I was sure he would leave me they were everywhere...poor baby!
    I will head to Hawaii with you when can we go???

  26. Hope Fin is better now. Love the dolls you made. Yup, 3+ crating sounds like a good plan if you ask me. xx

  27. Very, very, very cute!! There's something about little felt dolls!

    Jem xXx

  28. You ~have~ been missed! Hope your son is getting better! Love those little felt, cutey dolls you made...craft is craft, right? Hope you have a pleasant weekend! Loretta

  29. So whimsical! You've been mentioned as one of my 2011 favorite blogs ~

  30. I don't think a 3 year old could do that!! they are darling! Hope your son is on the mend, now you can cross one childhood illness off the list!


  31. Cute little dolls - hope your son is feeling much better ;-)

  32. Cute Chino dolls.. I couldn't do that.
    Hope Finleyto gets better.
    miss ya biatch

  33. Hee hee. I would have trouble even if they are meant for pre-schoolers!


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